About Valus
Quick Summary
VALUS is a blockchain platform which will be based on Ethereum platform. VALUS will allows customers to verify items through QR code and they will get basic information about scanned items (VALUS Verify). In a case of purchasing an item customers can register ownership of that item (VALUS Ownership). If customers often buy items online, they can check whether the site where they buy is trustworthy. The existing customers can provide their experience and also the trademark can verify that website. (VALUS Website). Customers can also check if brick and mortar stores sell genuine items. On the other hand, customers can help trademark to reduce the number of manufacturers that sell fake items and for reporting them, customers will be rewarded with VLS tokens (VALUS Stores). VALUS allows Trademarks to add an item into a blockchain. With that trademarks make their items more secure and also customers can verify these items. Trademarks can create a safer purchase for a customer by verifying the websites or retailers that sell genuine items. Trademarks also get a report from customers about suspicious websites and stores. If trademark finds out that a website or a store sells fake items, it can be shutdown. Retailers will know if the items they sell are genuine. Trademark can verify the retailers that sell genuine items, and because of that retailers can gain more trust among customers.
TrademarksEvery trademark which will be in our system will have its own address number. When a new trademark is added, we create a smart contract for this trademark. This smart contract includes all information about the trademark, such as name, logo, when it was founded, website URL and a short description of the trademark. Trademarks will dedicate one or two people who will be responsible for managing trademark on the platform. When a responsible person adds a new employee, he determines what function this new employee would have in relation to the management of the trademark, meaning that only employees who will be responsible for adding items can actually add items. Employees can access the platform through DAPP. They get an email and a password to log in and also 2FA code for verification. Trademarks also have insights into all items, employees, which websites are legit, reports from customers regarding suspicious websites and stores which sell nongenuine items. When a new trademark starts using our system, we will also post that on our website as a reference.
Customer Valus
Platform will be created for iOS and Android applications and customers can access it on the VALUS website. Scanning options will only be available for the mobile phones. A customer can login as Guest for purposes of scanning of the items through QR code. If a customer wants to register ownership of the item or check verified websites or stores, blacklisted websites, reported stores, he needs to register in VALUS platform. For registration, a customer needs to enter email account and password. When an account is created, a customer gets his wallet ID. Customers’ account offers a customer option to register ownership, send and receive VLS tokens, check and report websites and check and report stores. For ownership, a customer needs to send us some kind of verification. To secure his own account, a customer also needs to create 2FA code.
Valus OwnershipBefore a customer can register ownership for an item, we need to verify him. Customers need to send us some kind of verification. After verification, the customer can register ownership of items. This verification is requested in case if an item is stolen from the customer, that we can inform the customer when an item is found. A customer has a chance to register ownership of the item that really belongs to him. A customer can only register ownership of the item if trademark using our platform. The registration will be available in mobile application and through DAPP. A customer first needs to scan QR code of this item. If the QR code is correct, the VALUS platform provides all information about that item. Afterwards, a customer needs to scan or take a photo of a bill or make a screenshot if the purchase was done online. On the bill or in a screenshot there must be clearly seen the date of purchase, in which store the item was purchased, item name and price. After this, a customer needs to click button »Request ownership«. All information, including bill or screenshot, is sent to us so that we can check if the data matches with the hash code of this item. After we confirm ownership, we write costumer’s hash ownership on this item into a blockchain. If other customers scanned this item, they will see that this item already has an owner. We will also send a customer VLS tokens as a reward. The amount of VLS tokens, a customer will receive, will depend on of price of this item and also of the trademark. Customer will get the notification in VALUS platform when an item is registered. If a customer wants to unlink item, he needs to click on a selected item and there will be a button »Unlink Item«. When a customer clicks that button, the pop up will show and a customer will have to write a reason why he wants to unlink that item. After that, a customer needs to click button »Unlink Item«. We will get a customer’s request and the hash code of this item. We will manually unlink a customer’s hash ownership from this item. After we are done with this process, a customer will get a notification in VALUS platform that we unlinked this item. The history data of this item will include information on the previous owners (if any). In case the item is stolen, a customer needs to mark in VALUS platform that this item is stolen (this option is available if customer registered his ownership of the item). A customer needs to select that item and click button »Mark as Stolen«. A customer gets
RetailersFor retailers, we want to create that they will be more trustworthy and that they sell genuine items. When the items are on the way from a trademark to a retailer, a retailer can track these items. In case if items are stolen during the transport a trademark marks these items as “Stolen”. This provides security to a trademark, retailer and customers in case if somebody wants to sell these items. Trademark can verify a retailer whether he sells genuine items to customers. With that retailer is more trustworthy and can be more popular among customers. Also trademark can verify retailers’ websites to check whether they really sell genuine items.
Customer Valus
Platform will be created for iOS and Android applications and customers can access it on the VALUS website. Scanning options will only be available for the mobile phones. A customer can login as Guest for purposes of scanning of the items through QR code. If a customer wants to register ownership of the item or check verified websites or stores, blacklisted websites, reported stores, he needs to register in VALUS platform. For registration, a customer needs to enter email account and password. When an account is created, a customer gets his wallet ID. Customers’ account offers a customer option to register ownership, send and receive VLS tokens, check and report websites and check and report stores. For ownership, a customer needs to send us some kind of verification. To secure his own account, a customer also needs to create 2FA code.
Valus OwnershipBefore a customer can register ownership for an item, we need to verify him. Customers need to send us some kind of verification. After verification, the customer can register ownership of items. This verification is requested in case if an item is stolen from the customer, that we can inform the customer when an item is found. A customer has a chance to register ownership of the item that really belongs to him. A customer can only register ownership of the item if trademark using our platform. The registration will be available in mobile application and through DAPP. A customer first needs to scan QR code of this item. If the QR code is correct, the VALUS platform provides all information about that item. Afterwards, a customer needs to scan or take a photo of a bill or make a screenshot if the purchase was done online. On the bill or in a screenshot there must be clearly seen the date of purchase, in which store the item was purchased, item name and price. After this, a customer needs to click button »Request ownership«. All information, including bill or screenshot, is sent to us so that we can check if the data matches with the hash code of this item. After we confirm ownership, we write costumer’s hash ownership on this item into a blockchain. If other customers scanned this item, they will see that this item already has an owner. We will also send a customer VLS tokens as a reward. The amount of VLS tokens, a customer will receive, will depend on of price of this item and also of the trademark. Customer will get the notification in VALUS platform when an item is registered. If a customer wants to unlink item, he needs to click on a selected item and there will be a button »Unlink Item«. When a customer clicks that button, the pop up will show and a customer will have to write a reason why he wants to unlink that item. After that, a customer needs to click button »Unlink Item«. We will get a customer’s request and the hash code of this item. We will manually unlink a customer’s hash ownership from this item. After we are done with this process, a customer will get a notification in VALUS platform that we unlinked this item. The history data of this item will include information on the previous owners (if any). In case the item is stolen, a customer needs to mark in VALUS platform that this item is stolen (this option is available if customer registered his ownership of the item). A customer needs to select that item and click button »Mark as Stolen«. A customer gets
RetailersFor retailers, we want to create that they will be more trustworthy and that they sell genuine items. When the items are on the way from a trademark to a retailer, a retailer can track these items. In case if items are stolen during the transport a trademark marks these items as “Stolen”. This provides security to a trademark, retailer and customers in case if somebody wants to sell these items. Trademark can verify a retailer whether he sells genuine items to customers. With that retailer is more trustworthy and can be more popular among customers. Also trademark can verify retailers’ websites to check whether they really sell genuine items.

No further VLS tokens will be created in the future. Price of 1 VLS in ETH/USD will be calculated according to the exchange rate and will be locked at the beginning of our crowdsale (13. October 2017 12.00 UTC). This will be valid for the entire time of the crowdsale. The VALUS will promote and add VLS tokens to as many marketplaces as possible. This process will start after the crowdsale. If the minimum goal is not reached, all invested funds will be automatic return back to contributors.
Token Distribution

The 51% of tokens will be distributed to the contributors in the crowdsale. The amount of tokens will be known after crowdsale, based on the collected funds. Out of the remaining VLS tokens, 23% will be reserved for future partnership, 18% for the team and 8% go for customers for rewards for ownership, reports for websites and stores.
Fund Distribution

Fund of crowdsale will mostly be used for development and growth of the VALUS
platform. The rest of funds will be used for promotion, legal stuff and for operations.
Source Website: https://www.valus.one/
From: https://www.valus.one/
My Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1165399;sa=summary
Source Website: https://www.valus.one/
From: https://www.valus.one/
My Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1165399;sa=summary
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