Token Sale CIBUS Till CIBUS Blockchain
Token Sale CIBUS Till CIBUS Blockchain

CIBUS Token Sale
PRE-TGE TOKEN SALE END DATE: 10:59 AM (GMT) on February 28, 2018
PRE-TGE TOKEN SALE END DATE: 10:59 AM (GMT) on February 28, 2018
ICO Token Sale Start Date: 11:00 AM (GMT) on February 28, 2018
Payment methods: BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH
Soft cap: 5,000,000 CBT
Hard cap: 40,000,000 CBT
Token exchange rate: 1 ETH = 1000 CIBUS Token
Total token supply (max): 100,000,000 CBT
Min purchase: 10 CBT
-The exact number of tokens generated depends on the amount of funds contributed
-No token creation, minting or mining after the end of the ICO period
-Tokens will be transferable once the ICO is completed
-Upon reaching the hard cap, the ICO will end immediately
-Upon reaching the hard cap, the ICO will end immediately

-CIBUS team’s tokens are locked for 2 years with four 6-month vesting periods
- Advisors’ and early supporters’ tokens are locked for 6 months
- The Reserve Fund’s tokens distribution will start in 2019 and last for up to 2 year with the primary goal to incentivize new customers to join and accelerate adoption of the CIBUS Food ecosystem bybroad audiences.
- The Reserve Fund’s tokens distribution will start in 2019 and last for up to 2 year with the primary goal to incentivize new customers to join and accelerate adoption of the CIBUS Food ecosystem bybroad audiences.
The bounty pool is 10,000,000 CBT tokens.
CIBUS Funds Allocation Plan

Our roadmap assumes development of all features for the CIBUS platform and feature-rich apps & interfaces for all FOOD ecosystem participants, as well as a strong sales and marketing support to accelerate adoption by manufacturers and consumers.
-Platform Development costs cover all R&D expenses, including design and development of smart contracts, cryptographic mechanisms, the CIBUS platform, apps and interfaces, SDK, etc. Includes opening of an R&D centres with approximately 25 to 35 engineers.
- Marketing costs Marketing & Sales budget will be allocated on acquisition of both manufacturers and Consumers.
- Legal costs include all legal expenses associated with expansion of the CIBUS FOOD ecosystem in different countries.
- Operations costs include salaries of all CIBUS employees excluding the R&D team.
- Contingency fund is calculated as 5% of the total budget
The tokens are not being offered or distributed to, as well as cannot be resold or otherwise alienated by their holders to citizens of, natural and legal persons, having their habitual residence, location or their seat of incorporation in the country or territory where transactions with digital tokens are prohibited or in any manner restricted by applicable laws or regulations, 37 or will become so prohibited or restricted at any time after this Agreement becomes effective ("Restricted Persons").
We do not accept participation from the Restricted Persons and reserve the right to refuse or cancel the CIBUS token purchase requests at any time at our sole discretion when the information provided by the purchasers within the KYC procedure is not sufficient, inaccurate or misleading, or the purchaser is deemed to be a Restricted Person.
CIBUS Blockchain Process
- Push model depicts the tracking of food life cycle which starts from Manufacturer and ends with Consumer.
- Transactional data and the parameters specified between the business parties will be recorded at each stage of the life cycle.
- Recording medium can be underlying Blockchain Network.
- Pull model defines the exact opposite flow of Push model.
- Here consumer will demand the information regarding the product; and the product business network will
provide the data.
- Product business network can provide the full traceability information or no information or partial data
regarding the product.
- Provided data will be stored in Blockchain network and will be supplied to customer on demand.
- So, the major difference is; our Application will not take part to store the traceable information at each stage of lifecycle of the food.
- Rather we will demand the information from manufacturer to provide traceable information and Blockchain will store the information as much as the manufacturer provides.
Manufacturer/Producer Perspective:
Producer will upload the following artefacts:
- Traceability information.
- Relevant documents
- Transactional information between different business parties involved
- Parameters of the product/Individual ledger information for each business party.
Standardized_Measurement Smart Contract:
- Latest standard in the market as per food safety rules will be there in the smart contract.
- After uploading the data and documents the smart contract will be executed and stored in Blockchain.
- Indicator will be stored for each parameter. (Passed or Failed)
Stored information will be fetched on Customer demand.
Document will be stored as a hash in the Blockchain for provenance.
Consumer Perspective:
Consumer demands all information pertaining to a product:
ConsumerDriven_Fetchall Smart Contract:
- It will fetch all information along with the safety indicators which was stored by producer.
- This will be executed when customer first time scans the QR code (or by other methods)
Consumer demands partial/filtered information pertaining to a product:
ConsumerDriven_Fetchpartial Smart Contract
- After getting all information, customer specifies certain criteria to see the product matches the food
safety rules and /or having relevant information according to their need or not.
- This will be executed when customer already in the landing page of specific food related information.
*CIBUS Food Trace System Using Blockchain
*Food Trace Pull Model Workflow Using Blockchain
Transparency is the most demanding aspect of customers that has increased in recent years. The transparency has the ability to assess the performance of a supply chain and thereby increase the confidence of concerned players and of course improve the customer's trust. The strengths in the transparency of the blockchain lies in the trustworthiness as a transaction cannot be changed or manipulated afterwards. The trustworthiness cannot be achieved by a centralized system, since it is impossible for an outsider to assess the trustworthiness of the disclosed information. Therefore, it is advantageous to use a blockchain technology over a centralized system in terms of trustworthiness.
Blockchain Advantages for Ecommerce business:
- Platform to track order lifecycle.
- Provenance of each transaction.
- Speed of transaction and instant problem resolution opportunity.
From Blockchain perspective B2B and B2C business will have the similar methodology with minimal modification in data fields.
CIBUS platform broadly considers two types of Manufacture:
1. Manufacturer who conforms to trade/sell their goods by following Escrow service.
2. Manufacturer who are not ready to follow escrow service.
Roadmap1. Q4 of 2017 - Publication of White Paper, Website and promotion
2. Manufacturer who are not ready to follow escrow service.
Roadmap1. Q4 of 2017 - Publication of White Paper, Website and promotion
2. Q1 of 2018 - Token Generation Event, Listing CIBUS Token in cryptocurrency exchanges
3. Q2 of 2018 - Alpha Release of CIBUS Trace
4. Q3 of 2018 - Alpha Release of CIBUS Trade, CIBUS Retail and CIBUS Social
5. Q4 of 2018 - Beta Version of CIBUS Trace
6. Q1 of 2019 - Beta Version of CIBUS Trade, CIBUS Retail and CIBUS Social
7. Q2 of 2019 - Alpha Version of CIBUS AD, CIBUS Escrow, CIBUS Logistics & CIBUS Affiliate
8. Q3 of 2019 - Full Release of CIBUS Trace, CIBUS Trade, CIBUS Retail and CIBUS Social
9. Q4 of 2019 - Beta Version of CIBUS AD, CIBUS Escrow, CIBUS Logistics & CIBUS Affiliate
10. Q1 of 2020 - Full release of Integrated CIBUS Ecosystem Platform

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