About Iagon Platform

About Iagon Platform: Data Mining, Blockchain.

Iagon's Data Mining
IAGON takes a very different approach towards data mining. IAGON does this by utilizing a private Blockchain with public network protocols over API networks. A miner does not need to store any of the data in order to mine, the miner’s sole duty is to honestly process the data and send the output back to IAGON’s machine learning algorithm for analysis.

Data mining on IAGON ’s platform does not have the need to perform complex algorithm to solve an
equation. Instead, IAGON uses the decentralized computing network to distribute load and increase speed for mundane data processing tasks . Block tasks are distributed to miners using the proof of variance method. Miners will need to match the data signature from the data input and find its corresponding data object in the block and return the data output. The miners do not need to store any of the data it processes, and once the data has been validated to belong to the specific block, the miner is considered to have mined the block. The miner receives rewards based on the number of data points it mines, and if no data is found within the block the miner does not receive any reward.

Blocks are generated at a bounded rate and there are no communication between miner ’s clients .
The server connecting the miners to IAGON’s platform uses a multithreaded server to distribute and receive results. Blocks are sent over HTTP-based protocols so that clients inside firewalls can connect to it. There are two methods currently to approach block storage and removal from miner’s unit. The option would be to pro- cess purely in memory provided by the random -access memory unit in a computer or introducing a garbage collector program that effectively removes the block from disk. The mining client architecture should allow it to run as a background process or a GUI application.

Iagon's Blockchain Protocol

IAGON leverages the Blockchain technology to maintain honesty of nodes across IAGON distributed data mining algorithm. The Blockchain uses SHA256 algorithm of previous blocks to maintain a chain link to its historical state (in this case data).This allows IAGON to incentivize miners on its platform to process data honestly and to guard against deliberate manipulation of the data output. Using the Blockchain , IAGON’s machine learning algorithm can quickly identify if a data output mined from a block is actually a valid part of the block. This can be achieve within the framework of a simple Blockchain similar to that used by ‘Bitcoin’ by hashing the inputs with the hash of the previous block. Genesis block are created internally within the private blockchain . A private Blockchain allows for the research , development and facility cost to be borne by IAGON’s team with input from various stakeholders as oppose to getting multiple parties to reach a large enough consensus before making big development changes to improve the system . In order to keep up with massive read and write operations within its private Blockchain , IAGON might in the future scale to introduced multiple private Blockchains to reduce the potential of a single point of failure which can bring the down whole system by using a masterless architecture.

Source Articles: Website & Whitepaper
Bitcointalk Username: yudha409


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